We began inviting users to our Windows browser last week! Send us an email if you'd like an invite before we release the Beta.
As a quick aside, the browser is frankly staggering. Under the hood, we record Windows system calls and replay them in a Linux environment. This should not be possible!
We've been working on Windows support since August and have gotten the crash rate down to ~1.5% on the top 500 sites and it's getting better every day.
Additional Improvements
- Elements panel: The highlighter, markup tree, styles, and layout view are getting closer. Email us if you'd like to play with it!
- Billing flow: We've made it is easier to upgrade to a team plan, add a payment method, and see when the free trial is expiring.
- New comments: We migrated our comments editor to Tiptap so that we can add at mentions, GitHub and Jira issues, and emoji support 😃
- Email unsubscribe: It's now possible to unsubscribe from specific transactional emails in the settings panel.