
Week 5: Instant Replay ⏺️

We compare time travel debugging to Instant Replay and share some product updates.
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Jason Laster
One of the questions we've asked ourselves since the beginning was "could we offer Instant Replay inside our browser"?
For context, Instant Replay is what happens when the recorder is so good you can just leave it on. The potential of Instant Replay is that it becomes part of your daily flow.
  • Product mangers flag inconsistencies while testing
  • Developers jump back to exceptions while iterating
  • Everyone saves issues that only appear once a month!
This is a long way of saying that we’re close to landing a major advancement to our recorder that will make recordings significantly smoother and upload sizes significantly smaller (~80%). Will it be Instant Replay? Tough to say, but it will be a lot better!
Hopefully the transition will be smooth for existing users, but in the meantime we’re going to keep the beta small. Fingers crossed it will be worth the wait!
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User Accounts

Shipping user accounts last Friday was the beginning of a new chapter for us. Prior to accounts it was difficult for us to talk with users and it was difficult for users to record sensitive data.
With accounts we can focus on helping new users get started, letting users save private recordings, and helping teams collaborate.
This will be our focus over the next couple of weeks so please share all the feedback!
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  • We're actively hiring for a founding designer and systems engineers. (doc)
  • We have lots of good first issues around improving the new user experience! Say hi in Slack if you'd like to get involved. 👋
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